Welcome To The World Of Tanarika Resort...
Jalgaon is also known as Banana City of India. It is located in the state of Maharashtra in Western India. The city is well connected by Rail and road network. The major railway station is at Bhusawal. The Well-known Ajanta caves are at just 50 Km away from Jalgaon. Tourist from all over the world come here to see the Caves of Ajanta. Jalgaon has a vast productive land, making it a hub of agricultural activities in the state of Maharashtra. The city is also well equipped with transportation and communication facilities.
Jalgaon Market is mainly known for Gold, Pulses, Wholesale Tea, Agriculture, and Grains Trading. Banana and cotton are Jalgaon's main crops. Jalgaon is also growing up as a premier educational place with many colleges in the field of engineering and computer science. Modern Jalgaon now boasts of vast industrial area, educational institutes and good hospitals. The city is well developed with good roads, shopping centers, residential areas, with good infrastructure in communication and transport.
Stay in Jalgaon -
Hotel Tanarika is best place to stay in Jalgaon District. It is just 30 minutes away from Jalgaon and just 12 min away from Bhusawal Railway Station.
Presenting you the candid comfort at Tanarika Resort, Hotel Aaditya Palace & Hotel Premier!